Forth Valley Smile Design
Family Dental Practice and Facial Aesthetics Clinic
Short Term Ortho
Many people are familiar with traditional orthodontics (metal train-track style braces that are worn on average for 18-36 months) to correct crooked teeth. Traditional braces fitted by an orthodontist are the gold standard for tooth movement and many tooth movements can only be achieved by such means. Many adults though are reluctant to commit to such braces due to the length of treatment and the appearance of the brace. When the main concern is the appearance of the front teeth and there are no problems with the bite or the jaw joints, short term ortho can often provide a cosmetic solution within a short period of time. Here at Forth Valley Smile Design we are proud to offer the Inman Aligner.
The Inman Aligner
- What is the Inman Aligner?
- The Inman aligner is a removable brace that it designed to straighten the front teeth in a short amount of time.
- Who is it suitable for?
- It is suitable for adults who have mild to moderate crowding of the front teeth. It also works particularly well for patients who have previously had orthodontic treatment that has relapsed due to not wearing retainers
- Will it correct the position of all my teeth?
- No. It is designed to work for front teeth only. It can also achieve only certain types of movements and is not suitable if the crowding is severe. In these instances conventional orthodontics maybe the only solution.
- How long does treatment last?
- For suitable patients treatment times are on average 6-18weeks
- Really? It must use a lot of force to move the teeth that quickly. Is there a risk of damage to my teeth with such strong forces?
- Only light forces are used during treatment. Traditional orthodontics use much greater forces than an Inman does (that is also one of the reasons why traditional orthodontics can achieve much greater movements of teeth.) As with any treatment though (including traditional orthodontics), there are inherent risks and limitations. These will be explained to you prior to commencing treatment but are seldom enough to contra-indicate treatment.
- Do I wear the appliance full-time?
- Ideally the appliance should be worn for 16 - 20 hours a day. If worn less treatment times are increased. It will only work if you wear it! It should be removed for eating and cleaning.
- Will it affect my speech?
- Yes, but this will get easier through time. The first 2 weeks are the hardest. You may also experience and initial increase in saliva flow. This normally resolves within 2-7 days.
- Does it hurt?
- As with any orthodontic treatment, the teeth can feel tender for the first couple of weeks during treatment. You may wish to consider avoiding hard foods. This becomes easier as treatment progresses.
- What happens at my initial appointment?
- Your teeth and soft tissues (the pink bits!) are thoroughly examined. Any active problems (e.g. a cavity) have to be addressed before treatment can commence. Photographs and impressions of your teeth are taken. If it is deemed you are a suitable candidate, your impressions are sent to the UK certified Inman laboratory in London for construction of your custom made appliance.
- What happens at the fit appointment?
- You will be shown how to insert and remove your appliance. Small buttons of tooth coloured filling material are placed strategically on some teeth to help maintain the aligner in the correct position. If necessary small adjustments will be made between the teeth to create space.
- How often will I need to attend after my appliance is fitted?
- You will be reviewed every 3-4 weeks. If necessary more space adjustments will be made at these visits.
- How do my teeth stay in their final position at the end of treatment?
- Your teeth have to be fixed into their new position. This is called retention and is lifelong. Retainers can either be fixed or removable. There are advantages and disadvantages to both types. These will be discussed with you during your treatment. If you do not have retention your teeth will return to their original position.
- Will I need any other forms of treatment and the end?
- Possibly. This will depend on the wear pattern of your teeth. Uneven tooth edges can be evened using tooth coloured filling material. This is called "bonding" You will be advised prior to treatment if bonding will be required. Many people also have their teeth whitened at the end of treatment to fully enhance their new smile. This treatment sequence is referred to as ABB or Align, Bleach, Bond
- How much does it cost?
- A standard aligner including retainer from £1350
An expansion aligner including retainer from £1450
Tooth whitening following treatment £150
Bonding costs are tooth dependant. You will be given estimated bonding costs prior to treatment
Replacement retainers from £40 - Gillian's own treatment
- Inman Alinger
- A standard aligner including retainer from £1400
- An expansion aligner including retainer from £1500
- Replacement retainers from £60 removable, £100 fixed
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